Elever kan över nätet lätt ha samtal med varandra och med sin lärare. De kan också ta kontakt med forskare och andra experter. Dessutom kan de försöka få igång en dialog med allmänheten/sina läsare.
"Web 2.0 technologies serve to easily and democratically connect people who may have previously had little or no opportunity to connect with each other, and this can occur regardless of the level of expertise of the participants. Such connections, based on interest and passion, foster new roles for learning, teaching, knowledge creation and knowledge consumption, supporting the social learning described by Brown and Adler (2008), who observe that “we participate, therefore we are” (p. 18) and describe projects such as the Faulkes Telescope project, which allows distant learners to “access scarce high-level tools” and “collaborate with working scientists” (p. 24).
As distance educators we can take on multiple roles through Web 2.0. Our learners, and the general public, can also take on multiple roles. Perhaps Web 2.0 and whatever comes next will enable us to reinvent our learning environments so that they are dynamically constructed with our learners and can include the greater public to become engaging and collaborative places of ongoing formal and informal personalized learning. We have exciting and fulfilling times ahead if we can adjust and participate." (Veletsianos 2010, s 56)Hur gör du och hur gör dina elever?
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